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Ghostwriting services for executives, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders who want to change how people see the world.
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Your story, told the right way
Whether you need a storytelling strategy for your organization; want to write a series of op-eds or white papers; or are authoring your first book or your fifth, 1-Across can take you to the next level.
Editorial Consulting
Content Strategy
Ghost Writing
Book Coaching
Perfect for...
Company Positioning
In-House Content Projects
Full Manuscripts
Book Proposals
- Research Reports
Thought Leadership Articles
Feel supported
Chris has a natural gift for fostering meaning and activating emotional appeal in all his work. He's a thoughtful listener who adapts his voice to that of his clients, yet still conveys his professional expertise. A great partner and collaborator!
Mary Slaughter
Morningstar, Global Head of Employee Experience

The best of the best!!!
Leanne Hyer
Justworks, Manager

Hire this man! He made every article I wrote demonstrably better.
Rebecca Knight
Future of Work Journalist

Best writer I know. Lightning quick mind, impeccable listener, and joyful to work with. Hire. This Man.
Gabriel Berezin
EY, Director

Experience you can trust
Stories are like people. They each have different needs. We take care of them all.
"Spelling the Dream" | Netflix
The best employees curse, slack off, and aren't afraid to wear sweatpants | Insider
3 Ways to Compassionately Hold Your Team Accountable | Harvard Business Review
Using Neuroscience to Make Feedback Work and Feel Better | Strategy+Business
Have a story to tell?
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